Monday, April 18, 2016

Worst People to Sit next to on a plane...

If you read my blog about getting stuck in the airport, you know I had a pretty terrible first fly experience. I also had the wonderful opportunity of sitting next to some pretty unpleasant people. This got me thinking about all of the types of people that could be unpleasant to sit next to.


1. People with BO
Let's be honest, body odor there are some people that just smell like they have never showered or really need deodorant.

2. People that don't stop talking/talk loud on the phone
There are just some people that don't get the hint that when you put in some headphones you aren't interested in talking. There are also some people that decide to call everyone they know while on the plane and talk very very loudly.

3. People who snore/use you as a headrest
I really have nothing against people who sleep on planes, but this was one of the top complaints while reading about it! They complained mostly about people who snore immediately after falling asleep or using your shoulder as a pillow.

4. People who should probably have bought two tickets
A huge complaint while reading was people being frustrated they didn't have enough room. I had a personal experience with this problem. The man sitting next to me was very overweight and squished me the whole ride. It was very hard to get comfortable when the man was taking up half of my seat as well.

5. People who are nervous flyers
Passengers complained about people that clench armrests or they're arms. People have been thrown up on by nervous flyers or had to listen to them freak out about the plane crashing. Everyone seemed very annoyed about having to calm these people down the entire flight rather than relaxing

6. People who Over Pack
There are some people that just can't narrow down their closet and decide to hog the overhead compartments. These are normally the people carrying shopping bags, multiple rolling suitcases, bulging laptop bags, etc. There is no way to share an overhead compartment with these people.

7. Families with young kids/Families spread out all over the plane
Obviously not all families on planes are terrible. Unfortunately, you have some families that just ruin a flight for everyone. From having kids kick the back of your seat to screaming babies, you can't enjoy this flight. There were also complaints about families that don't buy their tickets together in advance and are yelling across the plane at each other or try to make you switch seats so they can sit together.

8. People with tiny bladders
People complained a lot about people who go to the bathroom frequently. They were mostly annoyed when it was a person sitting in a window seat that keeps taking free water and goes 4-5 times every half hour.

9. People that need to get a room
People were annoyed having to watch couples inappropriately show their affections for one another.

10. People who get drunk
There are some people that don't realize when enough is enough. People complained about drunks the most when they started to unload all their life problems and use their row buddies as their personal therapists.

These are just some of the people passengers have had issues with. There are always obnoxious people that fly on a plane with you, but hopefully you get lucky and get nice row buddies! Just remember it could be worse!

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